We are evaluating builder for our app and everything worked smoothly before this weekend. This week the iframe doesn’t load anymore in builder with the same branch, tried both chrome & FF on localhost/server. No real errors afaik. Any way to debug this more easily?
“@builder.io/react”: “^3.0.14”,
Heres the errors in console:
Uncaught (in promise) Could not evaluate in iframe, doesnt exist!
browser-update.js:6 Mixed Content: The page at ‘https://builder.io/’ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script ‘http://browser-update.org/update.min.js’. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
I run the page on localhost with http, I see the builder component rendered in the page when I open it in the browser. I have tried from the troubleshooting guide to, allow unsafe traffic, install the builder plugin, turn on proxy in advanced settings, but I get the same results all the time. This is the console in the Builder.IO visual editor page when trying to connect to the “card” model that has the path of http://localhost:3000/:
I am probably just doing something weird but can not find ant documentation on this error and I am kind of stuck. Please let me know if you recognize the issue or have a solution. Thanks.
In the code snippet you shared, i think is it missing getStaticPaths.
Below is code for reference I have used model: page which is published as the root path.
That did not help. Also tried with/without the chrome plugin and different browsers.
I had everything up and running without issue, then after last weekend, the iframe refuse to load.
Been messing about a little and seems it’s related to our app authentication (MSAL). I have it working again on localhost but still not on server (or know what the issue is). Probably some redirect to auth being blocked or not able to read from localStorage inside the builder iframe.