Moving licences between spaces and deleting spaces

Hi all,

I have admin role but I’m not a member of any space. I have a few defunct spaces, so I want to move the licences to my active spaces and delete the old ones. How do I do this? All the spaces are greyed out, and while I can add a space there is not obvious way to delete them.

Regards, Richard

Hey @Richard_at_the_pools - you can now archive spaces from

That said - you need someone who is an admin of the space to do it. Are you in a situation where you are paying for a space but you and no one else is an admin of it?

Right now we have no built-in way of transferring subscriptions to spaces, but you can end the subscription of one space and close another. If you have no admins of the space please contact and they can help you manually make these changes in our backend